Dealers are required to have storage room suitable for storing battery stocks. New  stocks must be kept separately from the old and should not mix. Keep the batteries stored  in a cool dry place in an upright position. 

 Follow these simple steps and we can ensure better performance and achieve longer  service life of the battery. 

>Roller Racks-Front and rear side portion of the racks are properly identified,  incoming batteries are loaded at the rear portion. With this technique, the oldest batteries  of particular type always appear in front. 

 >WOOD Shelving-Stock rotation is difficult using this type of storage, unless  shelving can be simultaneously accessed from the front and rear portion. Try to store the  batteries of the same type, same month code on the same shelf. Never mix types. 

Batteries should never be piled one on top of the other. Simple racks for storage can be  made from flat boards. 

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