Wet charged batteries either Maintenance free or Low maintenance will slowly lose  charge when not in service. This is known as self discharge. 

 The rate of self discharge with respect to time increases with increasing temperature. Batteries standing for an extended period of time without recharging will result in reduced Performance and service life. 

 To preserve the performance and service life, battery should be recharged regularly. This is to ensure that sulfates does not completely set-in the. Sulfation occurs when  battery is in discharge state for 5-6 months. Depends on the condition of the plates, the  sulfation may be irreversible.

The following steps should be followed to preserve optimum performance of the battery. 

  1. Check open circuit voltage of stock battery. 
  2. If the voltage drops to 12.20volts or below, battery should be recharged. 
  3. After recharging, battery should be cleaned to remove any trace acid on the water. 4. Store in cool, dry place in an upright position. 

In addition, when a dry charged battery has been activated and not put into service,  it 

Must be maintained, handled and kept charged like any other wet battery. 


PAMBA-Philippine Association of Battery Manufacturers 

JIS-Japan International Standards 

BCI-Battery Council International 

PNS-Philippine National Standards

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